September 21, 2012

The Purpose of this Blog

My name is Missy. I don't have many talents in life, but I love to cook. I've found a way to make cooking something I can do to glorify God. For the past year or so I've been making some extra meals for the freezer ministry at my church. Basically I make meals, bring them to the church freezer, and members of our church distribute them to people in our church that are in need. I'll also make meals for friends going though a hard time or friends that have just had a baby. I've collected quite a few recipes and wanted to make a blog to share them. That way if you have someone you know that is in need of a meal, you'll have a resource to check out. I'll show you pictures of the process and any changes that I've made to the recipes. Many of the recipes will be from other sources, but a few will be my own. I'll also give you tips on how to stretch that budget and allow you to make more meals. Enjoy and God Bless!


  1. Missy, I'm so glad you started this. It's a great idea! Looking forward to trying out your recipes, and sharing them with others.
